Passports to Success Highlights
Habits: Understanding Why We Do What We Do- Presented by The Eddie Nash Foundation on Saturday July 16th saw the biggest turn out yet of Foster Youth from Orange County. 78 youth signed up for this monthly Passports To Success program. Most of the youth came from group homes throughout the county as we’ll as some who attended with their CASA’s. The youth walked away from this four hours session with confidence in “how to” break a habit and to prioritize their life habits to help them to the next level. The feedback from the trusted adults included great praise for our facilitators; Trinity Wallace-Ellis and Dr. Greg Manning.
Join us next month on August 27th – Sign up On-Line at or contact us at 866-470-1888
Passports to Success Highlights
We had a great turn out for our Passports to Success Career Planning Symposium for Foster Youth on April 23, 2016. Youth gathered tools and tips to better understand the process of Career Planning.They also began the process of developing their own career plan to achieving their career goals.
Special Thanks to:
*Orange County Fire Authority, our youth loved seeing the fire truck, learning about fire fighting and the career path of fire men and women.
*Doing Good Works Job Placement Program for Foster Youth, our youth were informed and inspired as you provided them with real life strategies for being successful in the workplace.
Thank you for your continued support!
What’s Next???
Passports to Success’ next Life Skills Symposium: Family Foundations-Breaking Generational Cycles will be Saturday, May 21, 2016. Don’t miss this powerful session, as we courageously examine the generational cycles that dwell in our families, identify how these cycles impact us, and develop strategies to break the cycle(s), and create a new path that cultivates healing, growth and opportunity. You don’t want to miss this one!
In honor of National Foster Care Awareness Month, Passports to Success participants will be attending the Angels Baseball games on Sunday, May 22 & 29, 2016.
Have you signed up to participate in the Eddie Nash Foundation’s Odyssey Challenge for Foster Youth? Passports to Success Youth are eligible for to participate on teams. If interested, please email [email protected].
We have some GREAT learning opportunities for foster youth throughout 2016. Stay tuned and register early! Registration for May, June & July are open NOW!
April 2016
Highlights of upcoming symposium: Career Planning 101-Mapping Your Future
Symposium for Foster Youth to better understand the process of Career Planning and begin developing their own path to achieving their career goals.
Sold Out – Maximum Class Size Achieved!
Special Guests: Orange County Fire Authority and Doing Good Works Job Placement Program for Foster Youth.
All youth in attendance, and their trusted adults, will be eligible to receive vouchers for Angels Baseball Tickets, in addition to their usual incentive opportunities.
We have some GREAT learning opportunities for foster youth throughout 2016. Stay tuned and register early! May and June registration is open NOW!
We had another successful Amazing Race OC fundraiser on May 10th at the Irvine Park Outdoor Education Center! Thank you to everyone who made the day so fun and inspirational. Fifteen teams, comprised of businesses, individuals, students, and foster youth, competed in Archery, BB Gun, Zip Line, Obstacle Course, Marble Roll and Dodgeball events. Although we had fewer teams compete because of conflicts with the Mother’s Day weekend, we raised as much money as last year to send foster siblings to Camp to Belong this summer! New York Life, once again, generously provided all the teams and volunteers with a wonderful BBQ lunch at the conclusion of the event.
Overall winners were Moira Hummel’s The Avengers for most points and Carol Lutz’s Wear the Fox Hat team for most money raised (over $7,500). We wish to express our sincere gratitude to the mothers and daughters of National Charity League, Inc. (Laguna and Orange/Villa Park Chapters) who staffed the entire event. Most of all, thank you to all our sponsors, teams and supporters!
Save the date for next year’s Amazing Race OC, May 2nd!